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1. Mobstacle Race track with approx 16 different obstacles for your company or school
2. Mobstacle Fit functional training
3. Team Development Training
4. Mobstacle multifunctionl obstacle as part of your sportevent
We organise workshops in
Running / Climbing /  Nutrition / Recovery / etc. and can advise you regarding organising a Obstaclerace / Survivalrun. 
We tailor the concepts to your needs.


​We develop, teach and examine courses for the Survivalrun Bond Nederland, Mud Masters, sports teachers and sports companies.


The Mobile Multifunctional Obstacle Trailer with 12 different obstacles integrated is our main product for rent/sell. We offer also extra seperate obstacles like the Multiwall, Balance Beam, hurdles, etc. 


Are you an entrepeneur in sports and do you want to be innovative? Thanks to our mix of products, services and experiences, we are happy to help you on your way so that you can offer the various concepts almost immediately to your customers at any place.


Eric van den Ham about Mobstacle 

Via deze korte filmpjes krijg je snel een indruk van:
- Een compact Mobstacle Race parcours (12-20 hindernissen)
- Een Mobile Functional Mobstacle Fit workspot

...en nagenoeg overal snel en veilig toe te passen   

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